Growing Great Fruit to Grow Great Families!

How We Got Started
Fruit is in our blood and growing it has come natural to us for over 7 generations, dating back all the way to the 1800s in England. Each generation has faced different challenges, but as technology has improved we have been able to adapt and improve our methods. We have definitely proven that a “family who works together, stays together.” Knowledge and experience that has been passed down from one generation to the next helps us provide better products for our customers. In 1981, our family left a successful family farm in Payson, Utah to pioneer the tart cherry industry in Washington State.
We currently operate 1000 acres, centered in Basin City, Washington. As Rowley & Hawkins Fruit Farms grew, our cherry processing line, Northwest Tart Cherry, was founded in 1984 to fulfill our tart cherry processing needs. Rowley & Hawkins started selling our fruit locally at road-side stands and farmers markets throughout southeastern Washington. We have expanded with the Taste-a-Treat and FreshPicks brands for our processed and fresh pack items respectively.
Our families believe that fruit is an important and essential part of a healthy and successful life. We do our best to provide the best fruit for you and your family.
Watch the video below to see how the Montmorency Tart Cherries are grown!
To see it in person literally rocks your world.

The Farm
Rowley and Hawkins Fruit Farms operates neat 1000 acres of fruits and vegetables; mainly, Tart cherries, peaches, sweet cherries, and apples. Our family growers are 5-7th generation farmers. We are one of only a few Tart Cherry Growers in Washington State.

Retail Store
FreshPicks is our Retail Store. A few Years ago we felt the need to connect with our costomers – with “the farm to table” mentality. We wanted to provide the same high quality products and produce we have enjoyed for years straight to you. We want you to know where your fruit was grown and the farmers who grew it for you. We also make realfruit smoothies, craft roasted coffee, and other novelty items…

Processing Facilities
Northwest Tart Cherries founded in 1990 now has grown and expanded to process over 8 million lbs of Tart Cherries. additionally it has a small sweet cherry line, Apple packing line, and Juice line.
Meet The Farmers
Farming in the “Basin” since 1980.

A Special Thanks to our Partners